The Big Muffler in Kippa-Ring, Redcliffe, has been used as a promotional symbol in front of Jack Beedham’s for many years.
The muffler is made out of fibreglass and mounted on a metal frame to hold it high. The orange colour was part of a restoration makeover in 2024, and has also been moved towards the front and positioned sideways. It has been updated over the years but has been orange since at least 2008 (looking at Google Street View) but has had updates from time to time. Previously, it was white with black writing on it and was against the building.
As an Australian Big Things enthusiast, it would have been nice to see the Big Muffler remain in the plain orange colour without the writing. It is intriguing to me that I have driven by the Big Muffler countless times for years without noticing it. The fresh orange paint without the marketing writing made it stand out more noticeably.
Its purpose is for advertising the services of the business and the writing was on it before it was painted orange, so it is understood it happened.