Wivenhoe Outlook is a lookout from the heights of Mount Glorious in the southern part of the D’Aguilar National Park overlooking Lake Wivenhoe.
The facilities at Wivenhoe Outlook is basic but suitable for a break. For better facilities with flushing toilets, sheltered picnic tables, BBQs and plenty of space to run around at, head down Mount Glorious Road a little further west to either Red Cedar or White Cedar
. Both have good facilities. Maiala is further east, also with flushing toilets but not as accessible for wheelchairs.
The reason to come here though is for the view, rather than the facilities. The parking area is a short drive from the road, about 100m, then a walk down a path to the lookout platform.
The track has steps making it difficult for wheelchairs, however, there is another path that is flat the whole way starting near the entrance at the bottom of the hill leading to the parking that is . The hill is steep from the parking to the start of the path, so assistance may be required or drop off before parking up the hill.
The view is beautiful, showing rolling hills leading to Lake Wivenhoe in the distance. The view is mostly unobscured, with a couple of trees close to the platform that doesn’t cause interruption if you stand to the side of them.
The brown sign appears to be missing on this day we were there. We’re unsure if this is a temporary issue or it has been permanently removed. For the time being we have left it as a destination at Brown Signs seeing it was there earlier and is a worthy place to stop at.
To get there:

From Samford, head west on Mount Glorious Dr and follow to the end for 15.6km, the last 5km or so is windy. Turn right into Mt Nebo Rd and follow for 12km, with the entrance to Wivenhoe Outlook on the left.
From Brisbane Valley Highway below Wivenhoe Dam, turn into Wivenhoe Somerset Rd and follow for 15.3km. Turn right into Mt Nebo Rd and follow for 14.9km, with the entrance to Wivenhoe Outlook on the right.
Cost: Free
Hours: Anytime
Toilets: No
Bins: No
Tables: Yes
Seating: Yes
Water: No
Food: No
Wheelchair accessible: Yes, with assistance
Pets: No
Playground: No