Hill of Promise is a boutique winery and distillery in Childers on the Bruce Highway before reaching the main township.
Tastings are held at the Mango Hill Cottages bed and breakfast next to the winery. The cottages closed during the COVID pandemic, however, the wine tastings from the verandah of the cottage is still operating.
The wines are made at the winery, from the growing of the grapes, picking, crushing, fermenting, bottling, and best of all, tasting and selling.
It is a family owned winery, Terry and Mary Byrne. Mary was at the tastings taking us through the different wines and telling of the Sicilian heritage and Terry’s mother and grandparents.
In addition to the wines, there are Hill of Promise liqueurs made there as well. A bottle of Coffee Liqueur made its way home with us, in addition to the wine.
Hill of Promise is mainly about the wine and liqueurs, as well as the bed and breakfast cottages when they are open again. It is one of two wineries we visited in Childers, the other being Vintner’s Secret Winery .